Quito Airport to Banos

There are four main ways to get from the Quito Airport to Baños, they all have advantages and disadvantages, that we mention on this short but helpfull article and, hope you make the best decision for getting from Quito airport to Baños

1.- Bus

2.- Tour

3.- Transfer service/Taxi

4.- Private Transportation

Need help planning your visit to Baños-Ecuador?

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1. Bus from Quito Airport to Baños

Undoubtedly traveling by bus is the cheapest way to travel in most countries and, Ecuador is not the exception, unfortunately this travel method is not always the most comfortable, fastest or the safest, for several reasons.

A tourist can be spotted at once, even when they have the same skin or hair color, you can imagine when they are not, why? Because of your luggage or big backpacks, will tell, and this( not always), but yes, it might be a reason for you to be a target.

One suggestion, if you are thinking on traveling by bus in Ecuador try to have only a back pack that you can carry on your lap or in front of your seat, and don’t send it to be stored under the bus.

After this tip lets get into how, you can to get to Baños Ecuador by bus from the Quito Airport.

Once outside the Quito airport, you will see one or several green buses (on the right hand), you must take the green bus that leaves from the Airport to the terminal from Quitumbe in Quito, but first read the sign located in front of the bus, this sign should say Terminal Quitumbe, the departure of this bus is not very frequent, so if you do not see it at the bus stop, you should wait for it.

From the time you leave the airport to the Quitumbe terminal located to the south of the city it will be a hour ride in average.

Once at the terminal, look for the Baños transportation, or ask for Transportes Baños where you must buy the ticket to the city of Baños, make sure your ticket is to Baños, because the same company goes to several other places in Ecuador, the frequency of this bus is every hour. Once you buy the ticket you must wait on the platform number you were told, where you bought the ticket, if you are not told, ask for it. From the Quitumbe Terminal will take you about five hours to reach the city of Baños, in total the bus riding time since you leave from the Quito Airport, until you reach the Baños Bus terminal will take you 6 hours more or less.

Price: $

2. Tour Baños from Quito City Airport

This is probably the best option that we put up for you to consider, if you are looking to save yourself all the hassle, and your budget is enough to travel comfortably and safely from Quito airport to Baños on a tour we recommend at leas spending a couple days in Baños because there is a lot of activities and it is also an enjoyable town, therefore we can arrange a 2 day 1 night Adventure tour to baños or Even a 3 day 2 night adventure that includes part of the Jungle, also customizable to suit your needs, expectations and goals.

The Baños tours have the options to be picked up from the Quito airport in a private transportation, where you will meet with a proffesional Guide and driver, you will drive  to Baños scorted by a local guide and driver with whom you will learn about some cultural and geographical aspects, and make a couple stops @ points of interes, during the journey, as well as stops to use a toilet, take photos, or serve yourself  local snacks  along the way.

Traveling on a planned tour and itinerary in a private and comfortable vehicle, not only will save you from all the hassle but also will save you traveling time which can be used to enjoy more activities while in Baños.

Traveling time from Quito to Baños on a tour, between 3.5 hours from Quito airport to Baños.

After getting to Baños you will start with the planned activities based on the itinerary, everything will be planned before hand, as accommodation and activities. Tour price is still a great and affordable deal, if you compare quality vs price.


3. Taxi/Transfer  from Quito Airport to Baños

Booking  a private ride from the Quito Airport to Baños is another option you have, which as any other option can have its advantages and disadvantages, such as, taxi drivers not always speak English and for some travelers,  the language can be a limitation, it is a one-way service, you need to plan everything yourself before getting to Baños, but if you are a good planner and did your research before getting there, activities for Baños will not be a problem.

On a taxi you are supposed to pay what the taximeter shows or the price that you have previously agreed. A suggestion here, it is best to discuss the price in advance so that there are no drawbacks in the end. If you don’t know the language or the other way around, find a pen and paper or write it on your cellphone and agree on the price with the driver before hand. Once you are all set, let your ride start.


4. Private Transportation from Quito Airport to Baños

If the option you have chosen is to travel on your own by renting a car, and you would like to try your luck driving on the streets of Ecuador, I wish you the best of lucks, but it is also a valid option. Just remember,  you will have to overcome some small obstacles, such as tolls, in case you need mechanical help, like changing a tire you will have to do it yourself, and if you plan to use the GPS of your phone, be a little careful when doing it, and use your common sense as well. Our suggestion is, if you see a road that does not seem to be in very good condition but the GPS is sending  you there, the best option is to ask locals, think about it and be careful, there have been accidents and occasions in which GPS tries to take you through the shortest road, and this are not always in a good condition for vehicles, causing accidents to tourists that only rely on GPS and decide not to following their common sense, as a tip stay on asphalt roads, at least from city to city there are normally asphalt roads. And travel daytime day time so you can see things better.


Welcome to Baños Ecuador and enjoy your stay!

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  • jackie petersen

    December 29, 2023 at 5:16 pm


    We are a party of two looking for round trip transportation to Banos from Quito airport. We arrive Quito at 14:50 on March 8th and need to return to Quito airport hotel the evening of March 10th for an early morning flight March 11th. As of now we have a hotel booked in Banos and would like to see the highlights of Banos without a group tour.


    • EcuaTouring

      January 21, 2024 at 12:39 pm

      Hey Jackie, thank you for contacting us! yes indeed we can take care of your enquiry, we have sent you an email on saturday december 30th,please check your spam!


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Baños and Jungle tours, Baños tours, ecuador tour operator, ecuador tours, Ecuatouring, best ecuador tours, ecuador travel agency, ecuador custom tours, ecotourism ecuador, Sustainable tourism, community tourism

EcuaTouring is a womenmanaged company, we are planning your next vacation carefully behind the scenes, eiher with our fixed tours or taylor made itineraries we are happy to help!

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1% of the tours you book with EcuaTouring, goes to feeding and neutering stray dogs which are a big issue in Ecuador and especially in the rural areas of Ecuador we find some hotspots