Possibly one of the most important and beautiful natural attractions in the Cotopaxi Province of Ecuador. The Quilotoa crater lake is one of the most impressive natural wonders of this Province. A marvelous view to the lake from the lookout point located at the top of its rim will make you go WOW. This fantastic seven color turquoise toned lake is considered to be, one of the 13 most beautiful lakes around the globe. Not only the lake has an special beauty but also its local indigenous people and its surroundings makes this, an special place.
Mindo day tour from Quito is a full day packed with different activities and things to do. This day be ready to be picked up from your accommodation in Quito by one of our guides, who will make sure you discover Mindo at its fullest for one whole day. Mindo is jam packed with different activities and things to do. So hop on with us and discover the beauty of Mindo cloud forest, in the best way you can explore Ecuador, with a local guide. The Mindo cloud forest is the pearl of a transition ecosystem where birds, amphibians, mammals, plants and trees have manage to live in a symbiotic state. Cloud forests are one of the rarest semi-tropical ecosystems in the world, and yet the most endangered. This beautiful forest are defined by their nearly constant inmersión in a layer of clouds. Creating a unique cool damp micro climate, perfect for plants to live, develop and evolve. Cloud forests are known for their high biodiversity and can only be found in 2% of our planet, several species found in this ecosystem are currently nowhere else on our planet.
Papallacta is the perfect place to get away from the noisy city of Quito and spend a day realxing and pampering yourself, surrounded by nature in a peaceful ecosystem called the Paramo. Papallacta is located, at a short drive from Quito, only one hour and fouty five minutes towards the east of Quito
Vamos a pedalear a Nono, es un tour todo incluido, donde recorreremos desde el maravilloso pueblo de Nono y esta parroquia ubicada al nor oeste de Quito, pasando por parroquias rurales y poblaciones las afueras de Quito, Tandayapa, Nanegalito y Nanegal hasta llegar a la maravillosa cascada de la Piragua, ideal para refrescarnos y tomarnos, fotos memorables después de la pedaleada. Adicionalmente, aquí disfrutaremos de un comida de la zona. En este recorrido podrás disfrutar de Naturaleza, Aire Puro y maravillosos paisajes de la serranía ecuatoriana y del ecosistema que encontramos en esta zona denominado "Bosque Nublado". Un maravilloso recorrido familiar, solo o con amigos, el cuan no te puedes perder.
Quito old town, a heritage masterpiece of arquitecture, art, and history spreads along a high elevation and intricate city that lies in the slopes of the Pichincha Volcano. Quito Old town is where the Inca and European culture, have managed to merge, each with its unique features.
Otavalo Market is one of the towns that has preserved its essence despite the Spaniard influence, as well as its traditional market and textiles, from hand made to machine made textile products they all have its Pre-Inca and Inca designs and patterns so characteristic to the Otavalo Market
Cotopaxi volcano is one of the most iconic and photographed volcanoes in South America, its the second highes active volcano. The meaning of Cotopaxi is the combination of two words Coto means neck and Paxi means moon in the Quichua (inca language), therefore, the translation would be “Neck of the Moon”. On a clear summer night, the moon seems to be seating on top of the crater, and looks like a human head and the snow looks like a neck and a poncho this is the reason why it is called, "Neck of the moon".